Holistic Competitive - Our Method

I call my Tennis Program the “SISTEMA METHOD” and it is compromised into two parts- on court and off court.
ON COURT- I coach tennis as a martial art. I experience tennis as a spiritual practice.
Throughout my years of experiencing the game as a professional player as well as a high performance coach, I created my own method and language of coaching the game.
The technical aspect of Sistema is based on years of pragmatic observation of what works and what doesn’t work; from efficiency and simplicity of movement to all the elements for mastering ball control.
- Speed
- Spins
- Placement
- Direction
- Height
Off Court- SISTEMA can be introduced as an individualized holistic progressive development adapted to the “uniqueness” of each player.
Sistema allows Coach, Player and Parents to become a team. To have clarity on all the developmental aspects of the player’s game whilst training and competition becomes a fun interrelated progression of constant application of game improvement and tournament play.
The overall idea is that the player understands clearly what the goals are. That we are all a team and work on the same page and that the realization of the big tennis goal is a holistic one, thus understanding that all areas are vital to have results in tournament play & rankings.
Finding what truly works for the performance and development of each player takes time, trust building and communication. The team understands and commits to improve all areas which by consequence improves the whole.
Finally our program focuses on the following areas to maximize the potential of our players:
- Technical – Ball control through specific technical methodology (spin, speed, direction, etc) through strong structural understandings on foundations for effortless biomechanics and injury prevention.
- Tactical- Improving specific shot(s) into developing individualized patterns of scoring points.
- Physical- Specific tennis movement, fitness, footwork as well as injury prevention routines.
- Mental- Ability to control mind focusing on desired outcomes. Using the mind to work “for” you, instead of “against” you.
- Emotional- Ability to use personal agreements & affirmations for mental focus and breathing techniques to transform emotional energies.
- Social- Healthy respectful relationships with self, parents or sponsors, coach, training partners, competitors.
- Spiritual / Life - Understanding that tennis can be seen an instrument to explore our potential through developing self awareness, peace, confidence and personal empowerment as well as overcoming challenges on the court and in life.
- Competing- Developing an individualized healthy system of competition.
- Training- Developing the use of imagination in training with goals in mind as well as having clear short term game goals set with coach.
- Goals – Player, parent(s) and coach embrace and commit as a team to the progressive realization of S.M.A.R.T (specific, measurable, attainable yet challenging, realistic and time constrained) goals.